Rabbi Alana Suskin is the Director of Strategic Communications at Americans for Peace Now. As a rabbi and organizer she has worked with economic justice and peace organizations, including serving as a board member for T’ruah (formerly Rabbis for Human Rights – North America), and helping found Brit Tzedek (which later became a part of J Street), as well as serving on the board of Jews United for Justice. Skilled in both traditional person-to-person and new technology organizing tools, she continues to serve as a senior editor for Jewschool, acknowledged as one of the leading Jewish progressive blogs. She is also widely published through media as varied as the Daily Beast’s Open Zion, MyJewishLearning.com, The Huffington Post, Lilith, Sh’ma and Jewish Values Online. Through both professional and volunteer service, she has developed expertise in community organizing, outreach, fundraising, board development, curriculum development, writing, teaching and public speaking.
Washington, DC 20037
Rabbi Alana Suskin
Washington, DC 20037