
Bender JCC: Senior Adult Programs

Visit Website 301-348-3864

The JCC of Greater Washington offers ongoing education classes, exercise programs, lectures, a social action lecture program programs and referrals for the visually impaired, kosher lunches, opportunities for volunteering, Jewish holiday celebrations including a model Passover seder, and much more. Options include (but are not limited to):
??? Adult Center for Education Seminars: ACE Seminars offer a wide variety of stimulating and high level courses taught by an outstanding faculty of volunteer instructors.
??? Coming of Age in Maryland: Coming of Age offers monthly activities, excursions and special events to individuals age 60+.
??? Chorus: Led by Frieda Enoch, the senior adult chorus entertains at Jewish holiday celebrations and special events. Anyone who loves to sing is welcome to join.
??? Duplicate Bridge: All levels are welcome and master points are given.
??? Scrabble Club: New players are always welcome.
??? 50+ Singles: This group is for people who like to exchange ideas and meet others. ??? History Club: All history buffs are welcome.
??? New Friends: This group is for widows and widowers. Its purpose is to support the reentry into a social setting with others in the same circumstances and to share common interests.
??? Primetimers: Members of this group for mature adults enjoy activities at the Center and around the Greater Washington area. Programs include day trips to museums and parks, discussions and movies at the Center, and dining at local restaurants.
??? Seniors Organized for Change: Seniors Organized for Change (SOC) is a nonpartisan political lecture series. SOC provides a range of talks that relate to concerns at the local, state, national and international levels. The program is free and open to the public.
??? Hurwitz Internal Light Program for the Visually Impaired: The George and Tess Hurwitz Internal Light Program offers education and information for older adults who are visually impaired.
??? Low Vision Support Group: This group for individuals age 25 to 60 focuses on the interests, concerns and needs of adults with varying degrees of vision loss.
??? Focus on Health : Presented monthly by the JCCGW and Shady Grove Adventist Hospital, all programs are free.
??? Gateways: The Gateways program at the JCCGW has evolved into a comprehensive English as a Second Language (ESOL) program featuring a Citizenship component. Immigrant seniors from several countries ??? although predominantly the former Soviet Union ??? meet at the Center twice a week and learn English from a dedicated staff of volunteers who have worked with the program for many years.
??? Satellite Sites for JCCGW programs include: Ring House 1801 East Jefferson Street, Rockville (Seniors Organizaed for Change, Chorus, History Club); Shomrai Emunah Synagogue in Kemp Mill on Arcola Avenue (Lunch); Coffield Center, 2450 Lyttonsville Road in Silver Spring (Lunch); Har Tzeon Agudath Achim on University Avenue in Silver Spring (Lunch, Exercise, Speakers, Lifelong Learning); Leisure World (Lifelong Learning); Temple Solel in Bowie (various).


6125 Montrose Road
Rockville, MD 20852
